Mapping European Butterflies - The Distribution Atals

The author of the Atlas, Dr. Otakar Kudrna (then 63, British, but Czech born) - one of the leading experts on European butterflies - has devoted most of his life to the scientific study of butterflies, concentrating mostly on those of Europe. He is the author of about 80 original papers and books on systematics, biogeography, ecology and conservation of butterflies published in the English and German languages. Early retirement relieved him of his university duties and enabled him to conceive and conduct the Mapping European Butterflies project, his longheld dream.

Parnassius mnemosyne (D, Rhön)

The major publication of Otakar Kudrna are:

07 1970-71Butterflies of south Bohemia. -- Entomologist's Rec. J. Var. 82 (1970) : 323-330; 83 (1971) : 53-67.
14 1974An annotated list of Japanese butterflies. -- Atalanta, Münnerstadt 5 : 92-120.
15 1974A distribution list of butterflies of Czechoslovakia. -- Entomologist's Gaz. 25 : 161-177.
20 1977A revision of the genus Hipparchia Fabricius. -- 300 pp., 353 figs.; E.W. Classey, Faringdon.
30 1981An annotated list of the butterflies named by C.W. Wyatt. -- Bonn. zool. Beitr. 32 : 221-236.
31 1982Hilfsprogramm für Schmetterlinge Ökologie und Schutz von Tagfaltern und Widderchen. -- Naturschutz aktuell 6 : 1-135. [Together with J. Blab].
33 1983An annotated catalogue of the butterflies named by Roger Verity. -- J. Res. Lepid. 21 (1982) : 1-105.
34 1984An annotated catalogue of the skippers named by Roger Verity. -- J. Res. Lepid. 23 : 35-49. [Together with E. Balletto].
36 1985Concise bibliography of European butterflies. -- Butterfl. Eur. 1 : 1-448.
37 1985Some aspects of the conservation of butterflies in Italy, with recommendations for a future strategy. -- Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 117 : 39-59. [Together with E. Balletto].
39 1985European butterflies named by Hans Fruhstorfer. -- Nachr. ent. Ver. Apollo (Suppl.) 5 : 1-60.
40 1986An annotated catalogue of the burnets and foresters named by Roger Verity. -- J. Res. Lepid. 24 (1985) : 226-249. [Together with E. Balletto].
41 1986Grundlagen zu einem Artenschutzprogramm für die Tagschmetterlingsfauna in Bayern und Analyse der Schutzproblematik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. -- Nachr. ent. Ver. Apollo (Suppl.) 6 : 1-90.
42 1986Aspects of the conservation of butterflies in Europe. -- Butterfl. Eur. 8 : 1-323.
45 1989An annotated checklist of taxa referable to the genus Arethusana Lesse, 1951. -- Entomologist`s Gaz. 40 : 23-30.
48 1990Grundlagen zu einem Artenhilfsprogramm für Colias myrmidone (Esper, 1780) in Bayern. -- Oedippus 1 : 1-46. [Together with L. Mayer].
49 1990Introduction to Lepidopterology. -- Butterfl. Eur. 2 : 1-557. [Editor; co-author of "Lepidopterology in Europe", pp. 13-77, with M. Wiemers].
50 1990Conservation of butterflies in Fennoscandia: Aims and priorities from a European point of view. -- Ento-mologist's Gaz. 41:167-176.
51 1991Ökologie und Schutz von Parnassius mnemosyne (Linnaeus, 1758) in der Rhön. -- Oedippus 2:1-44. [To-gether with W. Seufert].
52 1991Schutz der Tagfalterfauna im Osten Mitteleuropas: Böhmen, Mähren, Slowakei, Ungarn. -- Oedippus 3:1-102. [Editor; co-author of "Schutz der Tagfalterfauna in Böhmen und Mähren", pp. 37-74, with M. Kralicek].
58 1993Verbreitungsatlas der Tagfalter der Rhön. -- Oedippus 6 : 1-138.
59 1994Kommentierter Verbreitungsatlas der Tagfalter Tschechiens. -- Oedippus 8:1-137.
61 1994Conservation of butterflies in Central Europe. -- In: A.S. Pullin: Ecology and conservation of butterflies, pp. 248-257. Chapman & Hall, London
66 1996Mapping European Butterflies: Handbook for Recorders. - Oedippus 12 : 1-60.
68 1997Mapping European Butterflies. - Entomologist 116 : 31-32.
69 1997Mapping European Butterflies. Kartierung Europäischer Tagfalter: Projektüberblick. - NachrBl. Bayer. Ent. 46 : 48-49.
70 1997Quo vadis European butterfly conservation? - Entomologist's Gaz. 48 : 69-79.
72 1998Die Tagfalterfauna der Rhön. - Oedippus 15 : 1-158.
76 2000Die Schmetterlinge der FFH-Richtlinie 92/43/EWG der EU. - Oedippus 18 : 1-28.
80 2002The Distribution atlas of European butterflies. - Oedippus 20 : 1-342.

Hipparchia prieuri (E, Aragon)
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